What to Consider to Invest in the year 2008?

As I personally see US$ weakening and global economy slowing down, I would think investments that do well under such scenario are worth considering:

1. Gold (invest some for "insurance" purpose), can invest in Gold ETF, Gold Fund.

2. UK Traded Endowment (smoothening of returns benefit, means the returns you get would not be much affected by volatility of the stock markets). Based on past record, annual returns of 6% to 8% are pretty attractive, also sterling pounds is possible to benefit if US$ weakens.

3. Raise Cash Level. Personally think people should consider building up cash in Opportunity Fund. My current Opportunity Fund is 30% of my total investible fund/assets.

4. Stock markets might be near end of bull market in year 2008. I think one should reduce one's risk by investing less and less money into stocks as markets move higher. (not the other way round).

5. With inflation going up, real assets, such as properties in Singapore should continue to stay firm in year 2008, barring unforeseen circumstances.

6. If and AFTER Financial stocks get beaten down further due to global debt problem, it might be time to start to invest a portion of money in Financial stocks, such as CITIBANK.

7. Invest in yourself. I personally have a "invest in myself fund", whereby every year I spend S$5,000 to S$10,000 on seminars, books, courses to invest in myself. I always find that investment in knowledge gives the best returns (provided one APPLY what one learns). Remember that knowledge is only potential power. Knowledge is only power when APPLIED.

Note: anyone can have a different opinion from mine.

Dennis Ng


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